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College of Political Science

Producing competent candidates with a high level of knowledge about Political Sciences and International Relations, which have the special knowledge and the ability to participate in enlightening society.


Dr. Jalal Hassan Mustafa

Assist Professor
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// Dean's word

We appreciate your visit to the College of Political Sciences' webpage. Our college originated as the Department of Political Sciences (DPS) in 2003 and attained independent college status in 2017. Our mission is to cultivate a generation proficient in politics, international relations, and diplomacy, achieved through the diligent efforts of our academic staff and the resources at our disposal. We aim to equip young students with the skills necessary to become future leaders.

The College of Political Sciences comprises two departments: the Department of Political Sciences (DPS), established in 2003-2004, where Kurdish is the medium of instruction, and the Department of Politics and International Relations (DPIR), established in 2016-2017, where English is the medium of instruction. Our graduates have various career opportunities, including positions as teachers in primary schools, diplomatic missions, political parties, governmental agencies, and other related fields.

College of Political Science

About Us

Our Vision
Our Mission
Our Goal

History of the college

The College of Political Sciences was established in 2003. Since its establishment, more than 1000 students have graduated, earning Bachelor’s degrees in political sciences in addition to tens of postgraduate awards. Currently, it has 300 undergraduate, and 11 postgraduate students.

Department of Political Sciences (DPS), established in 2003
Department of Politics and International Relations (DPIR), established in 2016


The college tries to produce qualified graduates to work in universities, government, and non-governmental organizations. The College of Political Sciences and International Relations’ purpose is to provide the best education to its students in various fields of political sciences and international relations.

viverra turpis quis odio tincidunt, et auctor velit auctor
viverra turpis quis odio tincidunt, et auctor velit auctor


The core aim of the college of Political Sciences is to produce specialized cadres and develop their capabilities in various fields of (Political Sciences and International Relations). Additionally, it aims to develop the student's capacities to participate in the political sphere, international relations, and administrative affairs.

Enhancing the educational abilities of the students
Conducting scientific research in the education and teaching fields

Our Goal

Developing qualified and talented candidates in the Political Sciences and International Relations. Producing competent candidates with a high level of knowledge about Political Sciences and International Relations, which have the special knowledge and the ability to participate in enlightening society and the management of state affairs. Preparing researchers and encouraging scientific research in various political sciences and international relations areas. Preparing specialists in the space of civil society and non-governmental organizations in the Kurdistan region.

viverra turpis quis odio tincidunt, et auctor velit auctor
viverra turpis quis odio tincidunt, et auctor velit auctor
Teaching Staff
// College of Political Science

All Departments

The College of Political Sciences was established in 2003. Since its establishment, more than 1000 students have graduated, earning Bachelor’s degrees in political sciences in addition to tens of postgraduate awards. Currently, it has 300 undergraduate, and 11 postgraduate students.

- Developing qualified and talented candidates
- Producing competent candidates with a high level of knowledge
- Preparing researchers and encouraging scientific research

College of Political Science

Latest Announcements


Call for papers*ڕاگەیاندنی کۆنفڕانس* إعلان مؤتمر

هەردوو کۆلێجی پەروەردەی زانستە مرۆڤایەتیەکان- سەیدسادق و کۆلێجی زانستە ڕامیارییەکانی زانکۆی سلێمانی کۆنفرانسی زانستیی نێودەوڵەتیی

شوناسی کورد لەنێوان ئاڵنگاری و مانەوەدا سازدەکەن


[email protected]

بۆ زانیاری زیاتر لەسەر چۆنیەتی بەشداریکردن و مەرجەکان و ووردەکارییل کاتە گرنگەکان، کلیک بکە لە لاپەڕە یەک و لاپەڕە دووی برۆشەری کۆنفڕانسەکە


تعقد کلیتا تربیة العلوم الإنسانیة-سیدصادق و العلوم الإنسانیة في جامعة سلیمانیة المؤتمر العلمي الدولي تحت عنوان الهویة الکوردیة و تحدیات البقاء


[email protected]

لمعلومات أکثر وتفاصیل أدق عن المؤتمر، تفضل بزیارة الصفحة الأولی والصفحة الثانیة من بروشر المؤتمر


The College of  Education Humanities- Saidsadiq and the College of Political Science at the University of Sulaimani will hold an International Scientific Conference titled

“The Kurdish Identity and the Challenges of Survival”


[email protected]

For more details on how to submit an abstract and important dates, please visit page one and page two of the conference brochure


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Call for papers- ڕاگەیاندنی کۆنفڕانس- إعلان مؤتمر

کۆنفڕانسی یەکەمی نێودەوڵەتیی بونیادنانی ئاشتیی لە ژێر ناونیشانی

(عێراق و هەرێمی کوردستان دوای ٢٠ ساڵ لە دەستوور: داینامیکیە ناوخۆیی و دەرەکیەکان)

زانکۆی سلێمانی\ کۆلێژی زانستە ڕامیارییەکان بە هاوبەشی سەنتەری توێژینەوەی جێنۆساید و بونیادی ئاشتیی

١٤ و ١٥\٥\٢٠٢٥

بۆ بینینی برۆشەری کوردی و زانیاریی وورد دەربارەی کۆنفڕانس، کلیک لێرە بکە



تقيم كلية العلوم السياسية بجامعة سليمانية بمشاركة مرکز دراسة الإبادة الجماعیة و بناء السلام

المؤتمر العلمي الدولي الأول لبناء السلام الموسوم

( العراق وإقليم كوردستان بعد عشرين عاما من الدستور: الديناميكيات الداخلية والخارجية )

١٤-١٥ ایار ٢٠٢٥

لمعرفة التفاصیل  و کیفیة تقدیم الملخصات، أنقر هنا


Conference Call for papers

The 1st International Conference of Peacebuilding in Iraq (ICPI 2025)

Iraq and the Kurdistan Region Twenty Years from the Constitution: internal and external dynamics

Date: May 14-15, 2025

Venue: University of Sulaimani (Iraq/KRI)

Organized by: The College of Political Science in collaboration with the Center of Genocide and Peacebuilding Studies

Click here for the details on submitting abstracts and conference themes

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Call for papers*ڕاگەیاندنی کۆنفڕانس* إعلان مؤتمر

هەردوو کۆلێجی پەروەردەی زانستە مرۆڤایەتیەکان- سەیدسادق و کۆلێجی زانستە ڕامیارییەکانی زانکۆی سلێمانی کۆنفرانسی زانستیی نێودەوڵەتیی

شوناسی کورد لەنێوان ئاڵنگاری و مانەوەدا سازدەکەن


[email protected]

بۆ زانیاری زیاتر لەسەر چۆنیەتی بەشداریکردن و مەرجەکان و ووردەکارییل کاتە گرنگەکان، کلیک بکە لە لاپەڕە یەک و لاپەڕە دووی برۆشەری کۆنفڕانسەکە


تعقد کلیتا تربیة العلوم الإنسانیة-سیدصادق و العلوم الإنسانیة في جامعة سلیمانیة المؤتمر العلمي الدولي تحت عنوان الهویة الکوردیة و تحدیات البقاء


[email protected]

لمعلومات أکثر وتفاصیل أدق عن المؤتمر، تفضل بزیارة الصفحة الأولی والصفحة الثانیة من بروشر المؤتمر


The College of  Education Humanities- Saidsadiq and the College of Political Science at the University of Sulaimani will hold an International Scientific Conference titled

“The Kurdish Identity and the Challenges of Survival”


[email protected]

For more details on how to submit an abstract and important dates, please visit page one and page two of the conference brochure



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College of Political Science

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