This department was established in 2003. Admission to this department is through a credit system. The duration of the study is four years. Currently, the department of Political Sciences has 30 lecturers, 4 professors, 6 assistant professors, 13 lecturers, and 7 assistant lecturers. The number of graduates has been more than 1000 since establishing the department, they have received Bachelor’s degrees in Political Sciences.
The philosophy of political sciences is to convey capable cadres in the field of Political Science, and this is a source of political awareness and culture within Kurdistan society which guarantees the expansion of democratic political participation in different political fields. At the same time, it will increase humanitarian capabilities in various fields of managing state institutions, informal institutions, public relations, diplomacy, and foreign affairs, because the ultimate goal of politics is to achieve public good, both in state administration and in the exercise of political power.
The establishment of the Department of Political Sciences is to achieve several objectives, which are:
-Establishing experts in Political Sciences that include: a- political thought, b- political systems, c- international relations.
-Establish political and administrative cadres to work in government institutions, independent agencies, media centers, private sector projects, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
-Training political researchers and conducting research in various fields of political science.
-Providing political and scientific advice to official and informal institutions.
-Raising the level of political awareness and culture of individuals and society on crucial domestic and international political issues.
Students gain the basic knowledge of political science, its subjects, fields, and developments, the ability to critically analyze political issues and events and formulate new understandings of politics and political processes, and the ability to write about them. Students can also be active participants in identifying the country’s political and social problems and finding solutions. In this department, students have the chance to learn how formal and informal institutions are run at both local and international levels and how to work in these institutions in the future.
The teaching methods in this department include face-to-face classroom teaching, discussions, seminars, presentations, and workshops, as well as visits to official and informal institutions related to the subject. Discussions and workshops are held in such a way that intensive discussions will be held on the topics of the theoretical lessons and more chances will be given to students to express their views; through group exercises as well as open discussions. From the academic year 2019-2020, this department will implement the Bologna Protocol as an education and learning system.
The main language instruction in this department is Kurdish, without neglecting both Arabic and English according to the needs of some subjects.
This department’s study duration is 4 Academic years of full-time study.